Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Laura Laine... Fashion Illustration

I made this blog for all things fashion and everything else inspiring to me. When I say that I love fashion; I mean it. I live and breathe it. Everything bit of it. I have a great appreciation for anything a little unusual and anything artistic. One thing that I really love is to draw. I continued to sketch after I had left university, but since finding employment and in-between seeing my boyfriend and friends, I very rarely seem to have time to myself to actually sit down and really focus on something to draw. 

I am one of these people that is very impatient and I want to do everything at once. I want to write a blog, I want to start drawing, I want to do this and I want to do that. And the reality is that I can't. I currently have 2 weeks off of work and I am determined to get some things together and just start off slowly. 

For me, I find it very inspiring to look at other peoples work. For example if I am wanting to design a coat, I will look at my favourite designers and feel inspired by that. Same as fashion illustration, I will look at illustrators work to remind myself and feel excited to draw again. 

I often wish I had done fine art and become an illustrator but my love for fashion was so strong that I felt I was better to have done a degree that combines everything and from that allow myself to see every aspect. 

One illustrator that I find just incredible is Laura Laine. Her work is phenomenal. For me, I find fine art to more beautiful. Art that has great detail and character; although I appreciate things much more abstract, for me, the beauty is in the detail and the skill. 

Lauras work has featured in many publications and has many illustrations of designers work. 

Here are a few examples of Laura Laine's work. 


Vogue Japan.

The Telegraph

I just find her work so beautiful. I love how she plays with proportions in her figure drawing. So clean it almost looks effortless, but she has such a beautiful technique. 

You can find her online portfolio HERE.

What do you think to her work? 
Who are your favourite illustrators?



  1. I envy their glossy, waterfall like hair. Laines illustrations are always so detailed & beautiful. Aren't they on a brand of hair-care bottles... I can't remember which brand... I too find beauty in the detail and skill in artwork. I'm not one for this minimal stuff.. I find inspiration in taking photos as well as looking at other people's work, but that can often be daunting because I can't do what they do. For example make a coat...

    Lovely post!! Sorry for the ramble hehe

    Hope xx


    1. Oh my I know! I would looooove hair like them!! I'm not sure are they really?? I know what yoh mean, it gives you inspiration but also a standard to achieve isnt it!
      And don't be silly. I LOVED your comment! I love it when people really appreciate a post and can tell you have a passion to!

      I followed your blog the other day! Love it! Thank you so much for your comment!

  2. Hi, Charlotte-

    I am the same as you are, wanting to have everything done right away. There never seems to be enough time in the day just to do work, let alone do something for fun. The Westminster Dog Show is on TV tonight - something I adore - and I can't even stop working to watch it with my full attention.

    I, too, wish I had a dual major in college. I majored in English, but would have also loved to major in art, so I understand how you feel. We can still study what we love on our own, but it's just finding the time to do it.

    Great post and lovely illustrations. I look forward to reading more of your blog (the McQueen one is next!).

    Judge Beauty

    1. Totally agree. I dunno if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I always want to do something haha. Life just always seems to get in the way sometimes, I just need to get my head down and start stuff. I'm glad that you liked it! You will have to let me know what you think to the McQueen post!
