Thursday, 12 March 2015


Since I decided to change the way I blog and what I blog about I have been unable to post quite as much as I would like to. As I am now illustrating, it takes me quite a while to actually create something, therefore is makes it difficult as I work full time and also have to fit time in for my friends and boyfriend. I generally do something with my friends once or twice a week and normally see my boyfriend every other night I don't see them, so it can become quite difficult to actually sit down and complete a sketch. I find that I am currently having to fit little bits in here and there. However, I have never felt so much happier doing this. I am so sooooo happy that I actually started to draw again. I love it and it is such an escape for me from everything. I love nothing more than having a brew by my side, radio on and just sketching away. It always feels like such an accomplishment when I have done something I am proud of. 

As always, I have been keeping up to date with all of my favourite collections from New York, Milan, London and Paris but there was one collection that when I saw made my heart beat a little crazily and sent me mad with excitement. I loveeeeeee Yohji Yamamoto, and as one of my favourite designers I always expect something spectacular and this collection was absolute perfection! 

I feel quite happy with this illustration, I haven't done anything this challenging for a lonnnnnnnnnng time so I sort of wanted to throw myself in the deep end and just really push myself a little more. It is expectationally hard to make the folds of the fabric look realistic and I can see myself problem areas where there isn't enough or there is too much shading. I feel some areas still look a little flat and I haven't got some of the shaping quite right but I am hoping I will get better at that. I used a HB, 2H, 3H and a 5B to do the shading as well as a putty rubber to pick out slightly lighter parts. Where it was more highlighted, I cut the corner off of my rubber so I had a sharp edge to pick out some of the lighter parts within the fabric. 

Yohji Yamamoto Fall Ready-to-Wear 2015.

What do you think to think of Yohji's Fall 2015 collection? What were your favourite collections this season?



  1. You are really talented. I could not draw like that to save my life! Can't wait to see more sketches (when you have the time of course!) llh x

    1. Thank you so much Laura! haha yes when I have time. Super frustrating it takes so long but I am enjoying it. I don't feel like I need to post daily since changing my ideas. I am just finding it hard to find a target audience really. A lot of fashion bloggers don't really appreciate the other side of fashion, just simply high street shopping. We will see. I am doing it more for my portfolio and for myself than followers now. xx

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